Twenty Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

Mk. 10:2-16

Dear Friends,

This is a very complex Gospel selection. The conclusion of both sections was a radical and upsetting lesson of Jesus. It was one that even the early Christians had trouble accepting. It was much deeper than the issue of divorce. It shattered a deeply cherished truth of the day: women and children are property. Jesus is making the point that they are human beings made in the image of God.

The teaching of Moses on divorce was clear. It was permitted. The legal question, at the time of Jesus, was for what reason.

The Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus by showing him against the Law of Moses. Acknowledging that Mosses conceded divorce due the hardness of heart, Jesus appeals to the original plan of God in Genesis, “the two of them become one body.” (Gen 2:24)

At the heart of the issue is the denial of the dignity of women. In the interpretation of the law and general practice of the time women were considered property. The man could dispose of her at will. Jesus’ teaching attacks this basic understanding. All the technicalities of divorce evolve in the messy human reality of sinful people. Jesus always moved beyond the niceties of legality. Jesus is inviting all of us to go deeper to the basic issue, “God created man in his image, in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them.” (Gen 1:27).

In Mk 10:12 Jesus recognizes the rights and dignity of woman when he says, “if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.” Even in this negative formula, Jesus is making the world-shattering statement about the dignity and rights of the woman. She is not property. She has the right to a voice in the ever-so complicated issue of divorce. This demolished the entire legal context of marriage in that day.

Jesus continues the proclamations that were destructive of the cherished mind-set of the patriarchy. He confronts the disciples on their mistreatment of the children.

Just before this scene, Mk 9:36-37 Jesus had blessed a child and said in welcoming a child they were welcoming him. In today’s selection from Mark, Jesus adds: “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen I say to you whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child, will not enter it.” (Mk 10:16)

Life and its necessities are a pure gift for each child. Dependency is a reality in their existence. Jesus is teaching us that in a similar way, the kingdom of God is a pure gift for everyone. All need to simply open their heart in conversion to receive the unlimited and unconditional love of God. It is a gift beyond any merit on our part. We need to be child-like accepting our dignity as children of our loving and gracious God revealed in Christ Crucified and Christ risen.

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