One of the reasons for the ever contemporary relevance of the Gospel is the fact that it does not conform to the dominant tendencies of “public opinion” or of statistics. Paradoxically, it is also one of the reasons why it has had so little visible effect on the majority of the people.
The comments of Jesus on wealth and money are precisely in line with this. In times like these when ideologies that originated in capitalism or in Marxism give a privileged place to the economic sphere and make the problem of production and distribution of wealth the cornerstone of their historical success, the works of Jesus appear anachronistic and condemned to being admired but no imitated.
The recounting of the teachings of the Gospel on wealth and the wealthy do not present an optimistic balance. Jesus does not condemn money in itself. This is consistent with his approach: he condemns no thing: he condemns or forewarns against people’s attitudes toward things. In the case of money or wealth, his warnings are so systematic that Christians are forced to examine all our “spontaneous” criteria and attitudes about the question.
For Jesus, the radical ambiguity of wealth consists in its tendency to become “lord” of the human heart. This new “god” leaves room for no other. Either we serve the God who frees us or the god who by enriching us chains us to the earth. The option between Christ and money implies a vision of life and of the human vocation. To serve money is to both make a god out of the earth and to pervert the purpose of its goods and of the person who uses them. The warning of Christ in this respect is clear: “do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth”…they are precarious and futile…they pervert the heart and the reason for existence…”For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”. (Mt 6:19-21)
That is why Jesus is so severe with the rich. His teaching on human liberation consists not only in declaring the poor blessed and privileged heirs of the kingdom. There is also a warning and a call to the rich. It even surprises us, in reading the Gospel, to note that Jesus addresses at least as many discourses to the rich as to the poor, discourses with a content equally liberating though different.
For a rich person “it is more difficult to enter into the kingdom of God than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.” (Lk 18:24) He who makes of riches “his consolation… shall hunger…and mourn and weep.” (Lk6:24-25) Before God, “he is pitiable, poor, blind and naked and deserves compassion.” (Apoc 3:17)
In his discourse on riches, Jesus, for whom “all is possible,” (Lk 18:27) and who “came to seek and to save what was lost,” (Lk 19:10) has a redeeming intention. The rich man must change, ceasing to “store up things” for himself instead of becoming rich before God. (Lk 12:21) He must rediscover the deep significance of his riches and money according to Christ’s criteria.
Following Jesus by Segundo Galilea pp. 35-37.