Fourth Sunday of Easter

Jn 10:27-30 

Dear Friends.

The Easter Season calls us to become an Alleluia People. For us, personally and as a faith community, Easter is an encounter with the victory of love over all that is evil. This love shines through the Risen Christ. The Easter triumph of love gives us hope no matter where life leads us in its twisting journey.

Today’ gospel displays this hope is in the role of the Good Shepherd. This pastoral theme is in each of the Church’s cycles on the fourth Sunday of Easter. The image of the Good Shepherd draws us deeper into the Easter mystery.

Jesus tells us, “My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me…no one can take them out of the Father’s hands.” (Jn 10:27-28) Jesus has our back no matter what the circumstances!

Jesus, as the shepherd, offers us both security and guidance. This relationship to one who protects us and directs us touches a deep passion in our hearts. Even in our human brokenness we long for deliverance. We want to cast off the ambiguity and confusion of our reality. We yearn for safety and clarity. Jesus, as our Good Shepherd, addresses that hunger in our hearts. His voice sets us free from the crippling ambivalence and fear. He guides us with a caring presence in the midst of the daily wolves of violence, division, ignorance and injustice that are a constant threat to us.

Jesus, as our Shepherd, nurtures our sense of hope in this Easter Season. Jesus has shown us that there is no earthly power, no matter how dominant or seemingly invincible, that can overcome God’s love. This is the Easter message. This love becomes personal for us in the Good Shepherd. This love generates the Easter reality. It is our passage into eternal life when we are the sheep of the Good Shepherd. “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (Jn 10: 27)

Today’s gospel compels us to receive the protection and accept the direction of the Good Shepherd. It gives us hope leading to life eternal beginning now when we follow the Good Shepherd in our daily life.

We need to ask ourselves, are we open to this gift? Do we hear the voice of Jesus in our day by day experience and responsibilities? Do we really accept, embrace and celebrate the wonder of the Alleluia which is our invitation into the great event of love that is the Risen Christ? When our yes to the Good Shepherd is true and honest we are on the way to becoming an Alleluia People.