Mt 17:1-11

Dear Friends. In all three cycles of Lent, each Second Sunday’s gospel focuses on the Transfiguration. This gospel episode is obviously an important element of our Lenten journey. Our task is to let it truly enlighten us as we prepare to celebrate the great act of love that is the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.

The key to the passage in all its beauty and complexity are the words of the Father: “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” (Mt 17:5)

Right before this, Peter had recognized Jesus as the Messiah only to deny his mission to suffer and die. (Mt 16:13-23) Now the Father is once again inviting Peter and us to take Jesus in all of his truth, not just a diluted version to fit our limited standards.

In rebuking Peter, Jesus challenged all of us to lose our life, to take up the cross and to follow him. (Mt 16:24-25) The event of the Transfiguration is our invitation into the mystery of the Suffering Messiah. Like Peter, we are called to try to balance the seemingly contrary truths of Jesus as Messiah and Jesus the Crucified Savior.

The Father’s words tell us it is as God’s Beloved Son that he will suffer and die. Our task is to embrace Jesus on his terms and “Listen to him.” (Mt 17:5)

Peter had a long journey ahead of him. Only slowly did he learn to “Listen to him.”

(Mt 17:5) Eventually, he did indeed learn to let both the life and teaching and especially the Pascal Mystery of Christ be his model. Jesus became a map and a guide. Not doubt, his recalling the experience of the Transfiguration helped him to face the darkness of life.

It is the same with us. As we face the seemingly endless challenges of good and evil: whether the war in Ukraine or the unending gun violence, the turbulence of our polical scene or the burden of the distortion and abuse of the multiple expressions of our sexuality, or the simple but relentless demands of family life or the various passages in life from beginning school to aging. All these, and so much more, call us to “Listen to him.” (Mt17:5) He is the Beloved Son.

Lent is a time to prepare to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ with new joy, stronger faith and growing love. This is the great mystery of our faith and that opens the mystery of our life

As many times as we have heard the story, it still holds the seeds of light and wisdom, of hope and tenderness. It reminds us how close God is to us and how thin the curtain between the divine and human truly is. We are always on the edge of our human frailty and mortality. Equally, we are on the threshold of eternal life and happiness. Whether it is the brokenness of our relationships, the consequences of sin, or the corruption of our world, we need to search the depths of our hearts and “Listen to Him!” (Mt 17:5) He will reveal anew that the last word is not sickness, injustice, prejudice, and the foibles of nature’s awesome power or even death. The last word revealed in the Crucified and Risen Christ is life and the victory of love. Once again, our journey to Jerusalem in Lent and, more so in our life, is an invitation to enter into the mystery. This mystery joins the Divine and suffering in the suffering and glorious Messiah. It leads to the victory of Easter.