In the Gospel of Matthew, the Resurrection is not a Hollywood ending. It not a guarantee that all are problems will pass away. It is not an easy solution to the burden of life’s relentless encounter with sin, injustice sickness, aging and even death.

What the Resurrection is, however, is another glorious stroke in the portrait of a loving God that began with the description of Emmanuel, (God is with us) in chapter one. All throughout the Gospel we have this growing exposure of a God of love and life: Emmanuel.

The entire Gospel is of one piece.

So, in the Passion, while we have is a picture of people’s injustice and hatred and rejection, we also have an underlying theme of God’s plan of love at work. In the Garden Jesus prays that this cup not be necessary. On the Cross, Scripture is sighted that this suffering was the plan of God to reveal the true nature of the Messiah. Here is our God who shares our pain and loss. Here is our God who shares the travesty of our suffering in this valley of tears. Here is our God who enters into the depth of ultimate anguish of death only to open up the final expression of our reality. In the resurrection we have the revelation of life free of all the consequences of sin. This is the ultimate expression of love and freedom in the hands of our saving God. This is Emmanuel!

This whole Gospel of Matthew is woven together to unveil Emmanuel (God is with us). This Gospel is a revelation of love without limit or condition. This message of Good News proclaims the final word of God. It moves beyond sickness or suffering. It breaks the bondage of division and violence. It lets reconciliation and peace overcome the impossible. It lets pardon and love be the mustard seed that becomes the tree whose healing shadow covers all of life’s hurts in its loving embrace. It is the fullness of truth and the ultimate invitation into life and love, Emmanuel!

Our challenge is to know this is not just information to identify but a deep and gripping mystery only open to us by an acceptance of Christ Crucified and Christ Risen. I is only in the struggle of our own life will we find the life-giving direction and meaning of this Mystery of love. This is done solely by walking in the footsteps of Jesus to Jerusalem and sharing in the wonder of the Pascal Mystery.