The Twenty Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time 

Mk 8:27-35 

Dear Friends, This encounter between Jesus and Peter identifies the centerpiece of Mark’s Gospel. The rich description of Jesus’ activities up to this point in Mark’s Gospel leads to the critical question of Jesus, “Who do you say I am?” (Mk 8:28) For the disciples, and for us, there is no more important question we must address in our life. Who is Jesus for us?

Up to this point in Mark’s text everything was about the identity of Jesus. His miracles, his teachings, his call of the disciples, his conflicts, religious and secular, and above all, his person. They all combined to raise the issue of Jesus’ identity that Peter stated so boldly, “You are the Christ.” (Mk 8:29)

Jesus implied they were correct. Then he told them not tell anyone. As if this was not confusing enough, he then told them of his upcoming suffering, rejection and death. This led Peter to rebuke him only to receive a response that, no doubt, shattered Peter’s world. “Get behind me Satan, you are thinking not as God does but as human beings do.” (MK 8:33)

When Jesus then told the disciples they need to suffer and take up their cross, their bewilderment was complete. The entire second half of Mark’s Gospel is an elaboration of Jesus’ faithfulness to this message and the disciples’ failure to figure it out.

In this shocking conflict, Mark is inviting us to go beyond the surface in our commitment to Jesus, to dig deep in our search for the true meaning of the gospel in our life.

The central issue for the disciples was the difference in understanding of the role of the Messiah. Jesus understood the mystery that there is true life only in giving it away not by clinging to it. For the disciples the goal of life was to be found in getting not giving. Only slowly did they learn that love teaches us the paradox of the gospel. To truly own something, we need to be willing to give it away. To truly own our life, we need to be free to lose our life.

As Peter proclaimed, Jesus was indeed the Christ. However, Jesus understood that he was to bring about the Father’s plan by suffering and self-giving and service. All his teachings had be understood in this context, the context of the crucified Christ.

Jesus’ rebuke of Peter was based on the real issue for the disciples, and for searching faithful down to our day.

We, like Peter, face the perennial temptation to try to make Christ in our image. We are looking for a more comfortable version. Peter and the disciples had a plan for Christ. He was to be the provider of prosperity and privilege, security and contentment. Jesus agreed to this basic human fulfillment but at a much different level. Jesus insisted this fulfillment is only truly possible by self-giving not self-indulgence. We must learn to center on God rather than to center all on ourselves. Jesus’ gift of our prosperity and privilege, our security and contentment will be beyond our wildest dreams. This is what Jesus means by “whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.” (Mk 8:34) The road to Jerusalem is the way into this fundamental Christian truth: life conquers death only by centering on the Father’s will not our will.

When Jesus tells us to take up our cross, it involves much more than this particular difficult person or that painful loss or a frightening sickness. Taking up our cross means being open to God in all manner of ways that we experience in the totality of life. Taking up the cross involves a determined resolution and deep desire and vigorous acceptance, not merely passive resignation. The cross Jesus is talking about comes in all different fashions in the harsh reality of human experience.

The disciples eventually got the message when Jesus invited them to Galilee after the Resurrection. He was going to give them a second chance. He gives us many times more than a second chance. He does this by raising a second question to ponder, “How do we die with Jesus?” We need to accept Jesus on his terms when we answer that fundamental question of life, “Who do you say I am?” (Mk 8:27) This leads to the second question, “How do I die with Jesus?” Our personal faith journey will eventually enlighten us to understand that dying is the only way to true life in the Jesus venture in our life.

In describing the Apostles, The Acts of the Apostles portrays a whole new cast of characters. They truly are distant from Mark’s rendering of the special twelve followers of Christ. Now, they not only know Jesus, they know how to die with Jeus to truly discover the life that their heart so yearned for. Their life of service and self-giving shows how they took advantage of the second chance. We need to do the same.